Harrison Windsports Society

A site for windsurfers and kiteboarders that sail at Harrison Lake, BC, Canada

Derelict sunken boat hazard reduction

On Monday Mar 18 Michelle Ambrose and I went to Harrison to take advantage of the very low water level to try and break up the sunken derelict boat that is close to the breakwater. The boat is extremely well built with massive 6×6 timers and formed steel pieces bolted and nailed together. We could only manage to lower it somewhat by prying off some of the semi rotten top timbers and planks. More importantly we removed and/or flattened the numerous, large, and dangerous bolts, spikes, and nails sticking out of it. So it is now a safer, lower, and smoother surfaced derelict.

Probably the only realistic solutions to getting rid of it entirely is to have it towed by either a tug boat or a land based vehicle. Even after all the years it has been in the water it is still really solid, and heavy.

Unfortunately we did not think to take any photos. However I did manage to use the footage from the webcam on that day to create a time lapse GIF which you can see below. The camera is too far away to give anything other that a very grainy image of us and the boat. So what you see is a Benny Hill type time lapse of a couple of figures in black wetsuits sawing, prying, hacking and sledge hammering on the boat for over an hour.

If anyone knows the history of the sunken boat I would like to post it on our website.

Also, I happened to stumble upon this link to a Federal Government program to get rid of abandoned boats in case the club wants to pursue it:


Here is the Benny Hill time lapse GIF of our efforts, lol:



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