Harrison Windsports Society

A site for windsurfers, kiteboarders, and wingers that sail at Harrison Lake, BC, Canada

AGM Meeting Minutes June 3, 2022

Harrison Windsport Society

Minutes of AGM June 3, 2022

In attendance: 11 members

Luk Stanek, Rhonda Davidson, Alex Switzer, Jackie Caronni, Carey Caronni, Michelle Ambrose, Bruce Lemky, John Crump, Randy Howe, Leonard Kerkhoff, Mark Bodle

Meeting called to order at 1210pm by Luk, 2nd John

RhondaFinancial Update

current balance $2788.12

Luc: Website Update

-Randy has passed the torch to Leonard

-content update to include wingers

-sponsorship drive needed, current needs to be updated, The Lodge is the only current sponsor

-log in to be required, will track if membership is utd

Portapotty Update

Kent is in 3rd year of providing latrines

Windmeter Update

Leonard has donated one with better solar and battery

Webcam Update

current issues with routing to website

Kent Update

-old boat has been removed from water

-parking and boat launch is not being upgraded

John: using old fishing net as launch pad suggested

Action: John to look into obtaining

Rhonda: windsock/flag replacement (custom HWS flag?) Cost vs Longevity/Theft

Action: price check custom flag options

Luk: addition of aluminum sign installation with rigging areas

Action: Leonard to work out layout to include wingers


Luk: Future of HWS

-Society is growing with wingers and new members, has more resources and less overhead costs than in the past. Membership to stay at current amount to build nest egg for future improvements/investments such as webcam/wind meter replacements, additional cameras etc.

-Free website access to be cut off as of June 30, log in info supplied with annual membership fee.

-increase website awareness

-request representation from new wingers/kiters/surfers in group to recruit new members; membership includes website access, wind meter, web cam usage

-AGM to be a set date each year as the first Sunday of Every June, location to be announced but most popular location is at Breakwater beach weather permitting-plan to add a camera to Breakwater with Wi-Fi from Luk’s property with future expense of approx. $1000

-30 year anniversary of Harrison Windsport Society!

Action: Jackie and Carey to put together a history/look back from where the group started to where we are now. Thank you!

-Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) now managing Boat Launch Pay Parking. Discussed creating lake safety/windsport awareness with them as a handout/discussion with users.

Action: Rhonda to make contact and start conversation with goal of including rental companies in memo


Luk: Election of New Executives;

Luk and Alex to not stand as President and Vice President in following term.

Move to elect Leonard Kerkhoff as President, passed unanimously

Move to elect Will as Vice President (not in attendance) passed unanimously

Sect/Treasurer Rhonda Davidson to remain passed unanimously

Member at Large: Luk Stanek, Carey Caronni, Bruce Lemke

Luk: Move to adjourn meet at 1:20 pm


Website changes

Please note that Leonard Kerkhoff is taking over management and control of the HWS website.

Updates and modifications to improve the site for the new season are currently underway. During the process some features may be down or need tweaking.

Thanks to Leonard, Jeff, and others working on the updates!

Also please note that the 2022 AGM has not been scheduled yet.


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